
Danger Archive video today...Danger Rocks...

We have a problem in Northern California Coast...rain soaked cliffs fall into the sea taking houses, roads, chunks of golf courses, condominiums, and sometimes burying sunbathing beach goers dying beneath even small cliffs. I have run down the beach to avoid 60 foot cliffs falling into the sea forming new islands offshore... Danger Rocks with music by Jeff Crouch and Steve Johnson cell phone video from his dawn patrol.


Danger Archive video today...Confusion Arising...


A very short asemic film considering the meaning of things....

This Thursday Devils Teeth 2013 at JokerJokerTV....

Big business, small town, oil. Devils Teeth is the sailors' name for islands off Northern California where offshore oil drilling is planned. When a man returns home and finds his mother dead, he and his sister discover letters from an oil company to buy her land she has never answered. They hire an investigator. She already knows what happened. Found newspaper story.

Susanne Hafenscher, Matthias Boss, Marcello Magliocchi track Music for a Quiet Night. Kristina Barvels, investigator. Ignacio Palma, brother. Alexa Oliva, sister. Anthony, bodyguard. Cecelia Chapman 2013.

3 places to watch....

JJtv: https://jokerjokertv.com/WATCH/

YT: https://www.youtube.com/live/79vwByz0qoM

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jokerjokertv


Danger Archive video today... Let Me Sleep In Your Crystal Kitchen 2011...

Steve Johnson sent me his dawn patrol videos on his drive up and down the San Francisco coast looking for waves. Most surfers who work are sleep deprived, especially surfing early in cold waters, a dangerous state. (I only had a few hours sleep yesterday and it was an expensive locksmith visit when I left my keys behind.) So I called this one Let Me Sleep In Your Crystal Kitchen because the sky was crystal clear, no winds, and the sky reflects the state of the waves, a sort of cosmic kitchen. So Steve sent me the beautiful sky...actually the waves were inconsequential.