
hola from el rey rafael gonzalez...

...is the way to start the day......meanwhile, 
working on some super cool things here...
coming soon...


BoomBoom Room @otoliths cool new issue38

...find the BoomBoom Room, sonic views and folding book, mail collaboration with Jeff Crouch, in the Otoliths issue 38, which just has a really great collection of artists and writers selected by Mark Young editor...http://the-otolith.blogspot.com.au/2015/07/cecelia-chapman-and-jeff-crouch.html

They also have Apprehension, another folding small book of mine, political prisoners @large http://the-otolith.blogspot.com.au/2015/05/cecelia-chapman.html


janus folding book from berlin super edition!

this is in response to the BoomBoom Room Jeff and I send,

rafael gonzalez super edition post!!

...today I get mail from Berlin and Spain...first Rafael Gonzalez, I love the stamp...grazias Rafael!

 this one we send back and forth...


back to work with christa...

...and jeff crouch...on a new video out mid-september...
christa hunter has worked with me on dozens of
videos since 2007.... 


from the crypt: 7powers of wrath at red fez

...this video at red fez has been seen by thousands of people...red fez is a super cool magazine and I am astonished how many people see it there...https://www.redfez.net/video/strange-7-powers-of-wrath-13   with tracks by Grat Bodkin and Jeff Crouch, from the Strange, Dark &Wicked series...


sixth sense

...from 2010. But Jeff and I have been recently emailing each other 
about..How do people sense you are staring at them from behind? For more work like this...go to http://mailartdossier.blogspot.com/p/mail-art-dossier.html


more Stealth here...


killing time: all that remains... video

...after nuclear, environmental and consumer disaster destroys everything, killing time is all that remains...'all that remains' also refers to all the material that Jeff mailed to me, seen here, and 'killing time' by Feyerabend. Jeff Crouch track. http://mailartdossier.blogspot.com/2015/07/killing-time-all-that-remains-cont.html


killing time: all that remains cont...

...after nuclear, environmental and consumer disaster destroys everything, killing time is all that remains...'all that remains' also refers to all the material that Jeff mailed to me, seen here, and 'killing time' by Feyerabend. Jeff Crouch track. video here

killing time


 buy me

 fly united

party animal


sure bets