
Drone Drama Chapter 1 and 10 at JokerJokerTV 1/16....6:30 PM EST

YT: https://www.youtube.com/live/bwDno5O5s_Q
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jokerjokertv


JOKERJOKERTV features the best music videos, short film, animations, interviews & performances from unknown and underground artists around the world. Tune in every Thursday at 6:30​​ (eastern time)


Drone Drama: Music for the Dead 2016 is a short film anthology by composer Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt produced and filmed by Cecelia Chapman. The collaboration explores what it is to be human in the age of the drone. Chapman interprets Marquardt’s original titles to question the militarization and commodification of knowledge, and the friction between technology corporations and local communities on the San Francisco Peninsula and Silicon Valley.