Showing posts with label jeff crouch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jeff crouch. Show all posts


From Texas artist Jeff Crouch...part1...

...we have been working on things together since 2006 - or earlier...  no, we have never met in person. He sends poetry, music and images, many ideas... so being Easter and all, a very colourful day in the world of solar consciousness and Jeffs's images like psychedelic easter eggs...I figured we'd start this holiday with Jeff's work - with SideShow Kids. From ShadowMaster 2009 series, 'on the road with performers of an American traveling medicine show.' Adapted from Jeff's poem 'Sideshow Kids.' I used a lot of his images in vids, animations, as well as mail art - well, it's all mail art with our work.

Traveling medicine shows (late 1800's-early1900's) were part freak show, circus, runaways, ex-cons, snake oil elixir pitches, and hustlers, with roots in comedia d'el arte. Sometimes someone might read Shakespeare, or sing. Maybe. 

Following are some recent images but I'll be pulling up waaaay more in the weeks, maybe they were used in animation or collaborations... but they are all over my black hole computer - insanity my office skills.


Time is Untape video with Jeff Crouch at From the Body of the Sign to the Cyber Sky....

2st International Colloquium of Visual Poetry: From the Body of the Sign to the Cyber Sky, held virtually between November 27 and december 02, 2023. 

Very cool visual poetry work at this link...


Danger Archive video today... Let Me Sleep In Your Crystal Kitchen 2011...

Steve Johnson sent me his dawn patrol videos on his drive up and down the San Francisco coast looking for waves. Most surfers who work are sleep deprived, especially surfing early in cold waters, a dangerous state. (I only had a few hours sleep yesterday and it was an expensive locksmith visit when I left my keys behind.) So I called this one Let Me Sleep In Your Crystal Kitchen because the sky was crystal clear, no winds, and the sky reflects the state of the waves, a sort of cosmic kitchen. So Steve sent me the beautiful sky...actually the waves were inconsequential.


Unspeakable 2022, mail collaboration drawings book with Jeff Crouch....

Unspeakable &Unbound is a book of three series of drawings: Unspeakable, Unrest, Sick Smoke. 20 pages each series. 15x21 cm., collage, watercolour, drawing.